Friday, April 17, 2015


First of all, did you know that you aren’t supposed to put two spaces after a period anymore?  I can’t help it!  I read it on some article!  I guess I am so old school, that I can’t break the habit!  So, don’t judge.  I have to put two spaces after my periods.  I do.  If you can find that article [insert here].
So, GT… Gifted and Talented, W.I.N.G.S. HUH?  Wylie’s Inquisitive and Naturally Gifted Students.  Now you know what W.I.N.G.S. stands for!  People ask me all the time what W.I.N.G.S. stand for.  Did you know that we hold a GT showcase for our students every year?  The first graders create research products over animals and the second graders research about their passions.  Third grade’s theme is Math in Nature, and fourth grade’s theme is Enigma’s.  The GT student’s work really hard on their Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP) every year.  Each year all the elementary schools in Wylie come together and show their products at a showcase.  We all go to one elementary school and lay out all of the research projects for everyone to see.  In the fall, third and fourth grade show their creations.  First and second grade get to show theirs in the spring.  I know many of you wanted to go to the showcase, but you weren’t able to come, so I took some pictures!  I would like to take this opportunity to show the kids’ projects off.  So, enjoy!

                                     Here are some 1st grade research projects over Animal Nations:
     Check out a king cobra.             Here is one about the bald eagle.             A diorama of giraffes.

  Here are some 2nd grade research projects over Passions:

Passion about dance!  She wrote her choreography down!  Yes, ALL her dance steps!!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Passion about being a pastry chef.  Look at her dummy cake!  It looks real, huh?  We even wrote an email to Duff Goldman, but he didn’t reply. L                                                                                                                         



Here is a 3rd grade project over the Fibonacci Sequence.

Here are some 4th grade research projects over Enigma’s:

                                                                                     Great Pyramids







                                                                                  The Nazca Lines



                                                                                   The Lochness Monster


If I could have, I would’ve put all of the pictures of the projects up!  I hope you enjoyed looking at the projects that our students have created.  I hope that next year you will come to the GT showcase and see all the projects!  I love working with our students, and letting their thoughts and ideas flow. 

Oh, and I found the article…

Here it is:

Nothing Says Over 40 Like Two Spaces after a Period!

(But I’m only 37!  Go figure!)












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