Friday, April 10, 2015

Nurse Beebe's thoughts...

Of course, there are downsides to every job. School nurses can feel very isolated (our training is so different from educators), but there are so many positives and things I love about being a school nurse!  So, in keeping with the Wylie Way, I decided to blog about what I am thankful for here at Watkins Elementary.

I am grateful . ..

. . .  to be part of a district that values School Nurses and has a nurse on every campus.

. . .  that I don’t have to cover multiple campuses.

. . .  to have staff who will cover the clinic so I can eat lunch (thank you Suzanne and Patty).

. . .  to have people who welcome me at lunch (thank you 1st and 2nd grades)!

. . .  to have staff who will go out of their comfort zone and learn about CPR, mass casualties, Epi Pens, and diabetes.

. . .  to have a fully stocked clinic.

. . .  to have Administrators who support me fully (thank you Amy, Jennifer and Amber).

. . .  for my “new to me” computer.

. . .  that I get to develop real relationships with students that will last many years.

. . .  that teachers forgive me when I send a student back to their classroom, (who has no fever, eaten crackers and is bouncing around the clinic), who promptly throws up on their floor.

. . .  that we have a custodian that is willing to clean up the worst imaginable, and does it with a smile (“code brown” anyone?).

. . .  to have a district that takes safety and health seriously (think ebola outbreak).

. . .  (and sometimes overwhelmed) that parents have faith in my skills and abilities (although looking in ears and throats of toddlers is pushing it a little).

. . .  that I no longer have to work on Christmas, Thanksgiving and weekends!

. . .  that we have a counselor that collaborates and works with me to promote whole health (mind and body).

. . . for fellow school nurses that help me with resources, problem solving and keeping things in perspective.

. . . for antibiotics, immunizations, CT scans, ultrasounds, MRIs and all the other tools modern medicine provides.

. . .  that I have a strong immune system!

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