Friday, April 10, 2015

Thoughts from Mrs. Burnside....

                During my previous 17 years of teaching experience in another district, I was spread between 2-3 schools; therefore, many times I felt like a visitor and did not feel at home at any of my schools.  Twelve of these years I only worked with the 1st and 2nd grade classes.  All of these things considered, it was very hard to build relationships with my students, their parents, or my colleagues.  I am very thankful to be at Watkins where I feel at home, only having been here a short time.  Now that I am able to teach all the students in the school, I have the way to get to know them and hopefully make an impact in their lives, which is the reason we teach.  I feel blessed that God placed me here with other professionals that exhibit such compassion and dedication to the most noble profession on earth!

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