Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Mrs. O'Quinn: finish strong

“Finish what you started…you started it now you are going to finish!” How many times did you hear those words from your parents when you were growing up? Starting a task is the easy part, but finishing takes a lot of effort and hard work.
When my guys were running track, Terry, (my hubby), consistently told them,  “You have to finish strong!” However, in order to finish strong, you must be committed to the race.
As teachers it’s imperative that we instill the same perspective into our students… to motivate them to continue the race even when it’s easier just to give up and sit this one out. Somehow we have to convey a spirit of self- discipline not just academically, but most importantly in life in general. By inspiring them to do their best, we compel them to achieve their best.
So, how can we encourage the minds of young people today to finish strong? How do we make their desires the same as the aspirations we have for them?
We must first allow them to make their own mistakes, so they can learn from them.  That’s how you determine what commitment is all about. It builds character and character impels one to persevere.
Finally, we must realize we cannot always protect our kids from real life experiences. Sometimes they have to endure failure in order to celebrate victory. Failure isn’t easy for anyone, but with the right motivation that failure can develop an inner strength powerful enough to FINISH STRONG. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said! Thank you! I think our children need to be reminded to "Finish Strong". I know I appreciate the reminder!
