Thursday, April 16, 2015

Who was ________? by Mrs. Varillas

I’ll share what I know my kids love the most from our daily routine: read alouds!  

Starting the first week of school, we read one chapter a day of the biographies titled “Who Was ____________?”  My students enjoy listening to how historical figures (most of them already know to them) experienced struggles, misfortunes, losses or just plain awesome moments in their lives and careers.  I really think the reason why they like our daily read aloud is because it awakens their empathy for others and allows them connect their own struggles to those of “important” people like Amelia Earhart, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin and all the others we've read.  Every single one of them had personal and professional obstacles to overcome, but somehow never stopped pursing their passions in life...I want my students to leave my classroom believing that!

Here’s some trivia about the biographies we’ve read so far…

·        Pablo Picasso’s “real” birth name was:
Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso
With help from her sister and uncle, Amelia Earhart built her own roller coaster (at the age of 7!) made out of wood and a sled.
Albert Einstein’s dissected brain traveled from Princeton to Kansas to California, and finally back to Princeton (where it currently can be found).
Benjamin Franklin had a major disagreement with his son about the Revolutionary War and, as a result, died without ever speaking to him again. 

Can you guess this one?
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.”          

·        American novelist
·        River boat pilot on Mississippi River

·        High school novels…

Answer will be in the comments! 

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