Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Use your words wisely!

As I prepare to write this blog, I realize how terribly uncomfortable (petrified might be a better word) I am about writing my thoughts down so that multiple people can read them.  My stomach is in knots and my hand is shaking!! This uneasiness comes from a comment my high school English teacher made about a short story we were assigned.  Apparently, she didn't feel as though I could write very well!  She wrote (in red) “I think you must have plagiarized this. You couldn’t have written this on your own!” Because of this one comment, I have never been secure in my writing ability  Unfortunately, it is set in stone that I can’t write. Now you would think that I could have left this far behind me; no, not me – I carry it with me still!!  I tell this story to emphasize how important our words are to our students.  Our words both positive and negative can have a lasting effect on our students.  So, be kind and positive with your words and actions.  “Let your words heal and not wound.”

Jennie Campbell


  1. Such truth in this! I think you are a great writer!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You are so right! Words can either help push us along or stop us in our tracks. I enjoyed reading your writing and thank you for coming out of your comfort zone and sharing!
