Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sweating the Blog Words...

I can't.

I just can't.

Not yet.

I, in fact, missed my 'time' to post to this blog.

I've written four previous posts to this. And then deleted them.

I've whined, cried, cranked, pretty much every emotion you can think of over this blog to Glenn. At first he was shocked and stunned, because talking about anything and everything IS one of my strong suits. Heck, he once had to pay a bum/hobo $5 to leave us alone at the Waco McDonald's because I had struck up a conversation with him.

Then I explained my terror. My 'work family' would be reading this and it needed to be good.  And next to my very own personal family, y'all are the second most important people to me. See. I don't want to appear like a big, ole goober to y'all with my writings. Because y'all count. Each of you impacts my life in a good way. When someone or something impacts your life positively you don't want to disappoint that person/people or thing.

So, sometime before 2016 I will come up with something totally amazing to write about. I promise.


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