Monday, March 16, 2015

Taber's Tribulations...

March 15, 2015

My blog adventure started last Saturday when my first official spring break nap was interrupted by blogging thoughts.  I decided to finish my nap, after all I had ALL week.  

Tuesday morning blog thoughts crept back into my spring break brain.  What to write about?  Of course it has to be clever and eloquent.  I mean it’s going on the internet!  My vacationing brain provided me with nothing of the sorts.

I am always lucky that my birthday falls on Spring break, so Wednesday I thought I’ll write about my birthday.  Nah!  Too needy!

Thursday I tried to think again of a clever topic that would impress the entire internet world! (insert jeopardy theme!)

Friday I just blatantly refused to think about it.  Nope not gonna do it!  Can’t make me! 

Saturday morning sitting with my youngest watching tv and the show Dog with a Blog comes on.  I mean if a dog can do it surely I can muddle through it, so here I sit, muddling through it. 
Our blog name is Wrangler Reflections so I guess I should reflect on something, but for the life of me I can’t even begin to think school again, yet! 

So here I sit Sunday evening, on my front porch.  For real, now we have awesome weather?  Can I get a spring break do over?  I still have nothing profound, clever or even remotely humorous to share so I will leave you with this quote that stuck with me this week that I saw during my many hours wasted perusing Facebook, Pinterest, Teachers Pay Teachers and even a little Twitter. 

(I am determined to figure that thing out!)

Welcome Back!


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