Monday, March 16, 2015

Sumners: Not what I expected....

What to Expect

I am going to apologize upfront for this blog attempt.  O.K., now that that's out of the way, here goes. 

I wasn't sure what I was going to say before I started typing.  I am one of those people that over think things.  Am I going to make sense, what will others think?  I am not sure of what to expect.  I know that I am one that puts things off until the last minute because I don't know what to expect.  Notice the pattern?  

I think about how my life is different than what I expected.  I never thought about teaching until Jennifer and Julie S. said I should look into it.  It wasn't what I expected.  I am thankful they encouraged me to try it.  Teaching itself wasn't what I expected.  It definitely has been challenging, but rewarding.  I know those weeks when it seems like everything is due and we're feeling the pressure, the kids don't skip a beat.  It's not what I expected.

This is what I do expect:
I want my students to walk out of 2nd grade with more than just how to succeed in school, but how to succeed in life.  
I want them to set goals and reach them and beyond, even if they don't know what those are yet. 
I want them to go through life with an open mind and open heart.  
I want them to cherish friendships and never stop learning.  
I want them to embrace the unexpected.

The life I have is not what I expected, but it is a ride that I wouldn't trade for anything.  It's better than what I expected!

Cindy Sumners


  1. I am so glad you gave teaching a try! Watkins wouldn't be the same without you!

  2. I love this! I can hear you talking now. :) I am so glad you took the leap of faith to become a teacher, because your kids adore you...and so do I! Love you!
