Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Mrs. Stephenson...truth or dare?


The truth is that most teachers are “control freaks”!  Honestly, if you are being intentional with your planning you have to be.  The difference that I have discovered over the last couple of years is that although I have to control the outcome, I do not have to control the process.  In fact, it is most effective and engaging if I relinquish this control to my students.  

For example, in measurement my students had to learn how to convert units of measurement.  I didn’t give them the STAAR Reference Mathematics chart and teach them the strategy that I know works every time.  Instead I gave them a partner, one piece of construction paper and tape and told them to create the longest paper chain.  Then they had to measure the chain in meters, decimeters, centimeters, yards, feet and inches.  What they discovered on their own was everything I was to teach them and more!!  

Some students made those measurements the hard way at first counting every single centimeter over and over again to get “reliable results” as requested by their teacher.  Eventually, after watching them struggle for a bit, I hooked them up with a group that had discovered a much easier method.  It was better if it didn’t come from me!  They demonstrated an understanding that I had never seen before when I introduced them to their “Best Friend” (AKA- the Reference Chart) and taught the strategy that works every time. They shared their strategy with others and wrote about their discoveries. They had ownership and were completely in charge of their learning.  Of course I facilitated their learning with very manipulative questions because of my aforementioned need for control, but their knowledge was their own and it was solid!  I still gave them the chart and taught that awesome strategy, but by then they were relaxed and confident which was exactly the type of student I needed.  Less (of me) really is more

I have to admit that this was a difficult transition at first, but once I witnessed just how amazing the results were I was hooked!  My expectations were still the same, but most of the time many students exceeded those expectations because I gave them some breathing room.  There is so much more that I could tell you and examples to give, but I think you get the picture.  I love teaching this way and after over 20 years of teaching I have found my niche.  Now my friends and colleagues, I dare you to give up some of your control and let your students be in charge.  You too will be amazed!!!  



  1. So true, it will stick too , because they discovered and applied it! Great job!
