Sunday, March 1, 2015

Finding that niche...

My first year of teaching began in August 2009. I was married and we had a 10 month baby, Olivia. I spent the prior school year at Groves Elementary in Wylie in a first grade classroom doing my student teaching. I was lucky enough in March of 2008 to be offered a first grade position at that same school.  I was so excited to not only have a job but to spend that year with my mentor!  That first year was rough to say the least!  I felt in over my head!  What was I thinking?!  I spent that year trying to stay afloat and basically emulate my mentor.  I did everything the way she did but it never seemed right to me.

I have always been envious of those teachers who had a passion for certain aspects of their job. Such as, Laura Moore, the all time guru of writing!  You can see and feel the passion for K and 1st grade writing flow out of her.  Don't get me wrong here, I love my job and seeing my students grow.  I just never felt one subject tugging on my heart strings over another. What was going to be my niche? Where would my light shine?

Something that is very critical in primary grades, and also can be a pain, are centers.  I could never get it to flow the way I envisioned it in my head.  I would actually dread this time of the day. If a school program, fire drill, or any other reason for not having centers that day came up, I was ecstatic!

I decided last school year that I needed to get this center thing under control because it was killing me...slowly...painfully!!!

Then it popped into my head, Daily 5! That was going to be my saving grace. I just knew it! So, I borrowed the book from a coworker, thank you Nancy Ward, and the rest is history!

Last year was the first time I implemented Daily 5. Oh my heavens...I was in LOVE!

This year, my Daily 5 rotations are even more solid. The kids love them!  If, heaven forbid, we run short of time, you would actually hear a sad sigh come out of their mouths! I actually get upset when I don't have time for my Daily 5 rotations.  I mean, angry might even be a better word!

Since I felt like I finally had a hold of my literacy center time, I really wanted to implement a rotation into my math time. I was determined to start the school year with this in place.  Well the school year started, however my math centers did not!  I just couldn't get it to work the way I wanted it to. See the pattern here?! I see it perfectly in my mind but then I try and implement it and nothing!

I have spent this school year mulling over this whole math centers thing. Yes, I know, I have a problem! Centers have become my passion, my thing, my niche.  I finally had a passion and I wanted, no, I needed to get this math thing right!

I finally came up with another plan. It had to work. It was going to work! A few weeks ago I tried it out. I made 3 groups for my math rotations.  There was 1 group of 5 and 2 groups of 7. If only I had enough time for 5 groups!  That would be total perfection!!!

These groups would rotate through 3 centers: teacher time, activity center, and seat work. Holy moly, it worked! It was beautiful!!  The kids loved it, I loved it!!!

So, if you've ever come into my room during my center time and I have shot you a not so happy look, I apologize. You now know why. :O) I despise being interrupted during my Daily 5 and now my math rotations!

Why do I love it so much?  I have been asked this many times!  Especially from those on my team. They think I'm crazy!  LOL

I get an up close and personal look at what my students know or don't know. I can adjust the lesson at that very moment. I can differentiate at that very moment. I can see who really gets it or who is looking at their neighbor for the answer. You can't always see that when you are doing a whole group lesson.  If I could spend my whole day in Daily 5 and math centers, my teaching world would be utter perfection!

I have finally found my niche!
Candice Alegria

1 comment:

  1. I think we've all felt this way. I know I have with the math centers.:)
