Saturday, February 7, 2015

My Loves!

Valentines Day is a week from today! For some reason I dread this day.  I dread the thought of Valentines parties at school, not getting the flowers that society thinks we all need, not demonstrating enough the love I have for my lifelong love, Jeff, and not expressing enough my love for all those that bless my life everyday.  One thought that goes through my mind, "You get out of a relationship what you put into it.", that was so wisely said by Janet Skinner, my first Principal. So today, after I go the gym to workout my knees and legs, I am going to put thought into a special gift for Jeff, not just a card. I want him to  know that my love for him is with him everyday.  Flowers die, sweets are out of the question, a photo album of our trip to Switzerland, maybe. TIME together without distractions, interruptions,  music, and great conversation is what we both value and cherish. That is it! Dinner with his best friend and his wife, great food, conversation, and time with one another! Then on Sunday morning breakfast and church. I have found that the old saying, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach" so true! So I guess I will be cooking and serving Jeff his favorite meal, breakfast, with all his favorites, time together and with friends, and time expressing our faith in the holy Trinity.  Happy Valentines Day to all of you because you too share my love everyday! Pray that your Valentines Day is just as special as you are.  Thanks for sharing your lives with me.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this blog about Valentines Day. I have learned that the best gift you can give is time and I cherish the time that my husband and I spend together on the weekends more than anything money can buy. Your blog got me thinking about how "I" too can give my husband a special gift and I still have a few days to make it happen! Happy Valentines Day!
