Monday, February 9, 2015

Relationships Matter!

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I have chosen relationships as my topic for this week’s blog.  Building positive relationships with my students is the most important part of my classroom.  It is my hope that when anyone comes to my room, they can see and feel the relationships I have with each child, as well as the relationships they share with each other.  I believe that these relationships are the key to my students’ success, both academically and emotionally.  I have made it a priority to spend time with each child, getting to know their individual strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, hobbies, friends and families.  Knowing every child this well creates a positive environment.  I know that when their families drop them off at school in the morning, it's my responsibility to make every day the best day for their child.  I want their surroundings to be a home away from home where they know they are cared about and that someone believes in them.  I never take for granted the responsibility I carry as their teacher.  I often eat lunch with my students because it is a great opportunity to learn about them, and it’s such an easy thing to do.  I never show up uninvited.  They have to invite me if they want me to eat with them because I don’t want to intrude on their time together.  I have been to so many sporting events over the last three years that I know the different stats and have a collection of fantastic trading cards.  It doesn’t affect my time with my family, because my boys love going with me to the games.  The kids are so proud to see their teacher at their events.  I feel that as a teacher, the stress is sometimes overwhelming.  We have to bridge so many gaps and the data doesn’t always show what we want it to.  In these moments, I have to step back and remember that behind each “number” and each “result” is a child that has his/her own worries, celebrations, families, concerns, frustrations and needs.  If they know they matter, they will become so much more confident and put much more effort into their everyday tasks.  Words can’t describe how much I “heart” these kids, especially after three years!  I don’t know how I will ever be able to say goodbye to them in June.  They will always have a special place in my heart!

1 comment:

  1. Those babies are so lucky to have you!! I completely agree about relationship building with students. We are a family in my room and try to love and encourage each other always. Something I know you do too!
