Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Third Grade Journey

As a child I dreamed of either being a teacher or a nurse.  I played out these dreams in my parents garage where I would  play "school" and then on alternate days play "doctor".

I am the youngest of 5 children.  I was a surprise to my parents because all of my brothers and sisters were pretty much grown up when I was born.  I spent a lot of time playing alone (with my imaginary friend Ruby) and promising myself that when I grew up and had kids of my own they would not have to play alone.  They would have each other to play with not an imaginary friend.

Well, when I grew up things went as planned.  I married very young and had three children in three years.  It seemed my dreams of becoming a teacher or a nurse were just not in the plans for me.  I stayed home with my kids doing all of the good mommy things.  I even became president of the PTA at my kids school.  I stayed very busy but I felt an emptiness.  It was like God was calling me to do something else.  As if being a mom to three kids was not enough!

I decided to go back to school.  I took one class at a time.  That calling from God just kept getting stronger and stronger.  Eventually, he led me to the University of North Texas where I ended up going full time-while my kids were in elementary school and bit by bit I conquered the teaching program, passed the tests and became what God had led me to be-a TEACHER!

My journey as a teacher started at Hedrick Elementary in Lewisville, Texas. In a portable with a group of hard to handle third graders.  I was actually teaching at the school where my own kids attended.  I was so excited!  I couldn't believe my dream had finally come true......

Little did I know how unprepared I was for teaching my first class of third graders!  By September I already felt like a failure.  I wanted to just give up.  Everything I tried seemed to have the opposite affect of what I planned or expected.  I thought for sure I would be looking for a new job at the end of the year.  I was given another chance to try to succeed in this Third Grade Journey.  Each year I taught third grade I tried and retried new things.  Each year I got a little bit better.  This is not to say I didn't have terrible feelings of being inadequate.   I just kept going to work everyday.  I just kept trying.  I just kept making relationships with those third graders.  After 15 years of teaching only third graders I found it was time to move and start a new teaching position.  I was scared and excited.
I thought maybe God would lead me to a different grade?  I prayed every night and every day that I would find a good fit for my teaching experience.  I went on countless interviews.  Most of the time I was called back for second ones but then told were sorry we hired someone else.  Then I walked into Watkins.  I knew this was the place.  I was really hoping to get a job in a different grade.  I thought 15 years of  Third Grade was enough.  How could I have anything new to offer these kids?

I soon found out the challenge of teaching Dual Language Third Grade was just what I was looking for.  I have already learned so much as a teacher at Watkins.  I feel like I am one of the lucky ones.  I get to go to work everyday and be totally challenged to use my experience and to always be ready to learn something new!

I guess the one thing I have learned from this Third Grade Journey is don't give up no matter how hard life seems.  Try to start each day in a positive way.  Be thankful for all you have and you just might be one of the lucky ones too.


  1. Thanks for sharing your story! <3 that you are with us!

  2. Thanks for saying that Brenda. I love working with you on RTI. :)
