Thursday, November 13, 2014

Can't Be Everywhere At Once, No Problem!

Have you ever been teaching a small group, looked at another group across the room and thought, "What in the world are they thinking?" Well worry no more! With simple apps like educreations and show me, your minds will be at rest. Unless the video they create puts your mind into overdrive, but that's another blog for another time. These apps make it easy for a child to record themselves talking out what they are thinking while doing the work.

I wanted to see if my students were understanding division or not, so I had them create an educreations of them completing a problem. There is never anytime to see all of my students at once, so this gave me the opportunity to watch them when I have the time. Be warned, you can easily forget about them because you never have free time.

I posted a video of a student who got the wrong answer. Had this been a normal pencil and paper problem, I probably would've overreacted, "Oh no, my students know nothing! I'm going to have to spend all my time on interventions. My administration is going to fire me, and send me back to Omaha. I'm not even from Omaha!" When I saw the video though, I realized that it was a simple mistake and I don't need to worry about that student. Keep in mind that these apps have limitless possibilities because it lets the students show what's in their limitless brains.

1 comment:

  1. This is good!! I would actually love to hear a kindergartener's thought process! :)
