Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Beginning: Wrangler Reflections

There can no longer be an “opt out” clause when dealing with technology in our schools, especially from our administrators. We need to prepare our kids to live in this world now and in the future. Change may feel hard, but it is part of learning.  We expect it from our kids, we need to expect it from ourselves.

I’ve yet to hear anyone who has stuck with blogging suggest it’s been anything less than essential to their growth and improvement. I’ve no “data” to prove this but I’m willing to bet my football card collections that teachers who blog are our best teachers. If you look at the promise of Professional Learning Communities that our schools have invested thousands, more likely millions to achieve, blogs accomplish much of the same things. The basic idea of the PLC is to have teachers share practice/data and work in teams to make improvements. A good blog does this and more.

What does mean to us as a Wrangler? it means providing with our staff with opportunities to share from their experiences in the classroom. It means providing support as you take this chance to put yourself out there and are transparent. Your expertise, your missteps, your experiences ALL have value and we can ALL learn from you. 

How great would a school be if we dropped the notion of “you can’t be a prophet in your own land”?  Would we do more together if we looked at each other in our schools of having expertise?

Utilizing this blog, we are going to reflect in safe space together. Initially, (key word: initially!) this space is only going to be accessible to our staff. Each week a different staff member will be asked to reflect on something happening in their classroom. It can be geared towards the fundamental five, a new math strategy, or a lesson learned. It doesn't have to be long, or fancy. It just has to be written and heart felt.  

The schedule can be found here. Your "post" is to be shared at any point in your window, I'll be sharing posts each week in the Tidbits, and I encourage you to comment as you feel led too. (You'll feel the importance of comments on YOUR week!:))

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