Sunday, December 7, 2014

Touchscreens and Babies

For my 8 month old granddaughter Sophia, tapping and swiping a touchscreen has become second nature.  She went to Olive Garden with her Papa and Mommy.  Olive Garden had a ziosk on the table with games to play while you wait for your food.  Papa noticed that none of the games were free but the screen was colorful and bright and Sophia liked touching it.  Seeing no harm in letting her play with it, Mom and Papa talked and Sophia played with the ziosk.  Papa soon realized she was very focused on the screen.  Papa looked and our little Sophia had passed the menu, passed the “ok to add $1.99 to your bill”, chose a game, and started playing the game.  She was drawing a picture in an art app that was available.  The waitress offered to take the charge off the bill but Sophia was enjoying drawing so she got to keep playing.  This is a brave new world for babies, parents, and especially grandparents!

New apps I have been trying lately are Story Kit, Placing Numbers on the Numberline,  Popplet, Number Pieces Basic, by the Math Learning Center. and Doceri.  As I learn to use them, I show my kids how the app works.  They always pick it up faster than I do and think of more ways to use the them.  The more I use technology the more I love it but it is also humbling because the more you learn the more you realize how little you know. It’s a journey.


  1. Thanks for sharing the math apps. Cute story about Sophia.

  2. It's amazing what someone so much younger can teach you! :)
