Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Balance and a Time Saving Tip

As many of you know this year has been a HUGE adjustment for me! I absolutely love being a mom to Aubree but it has kind of thrown my world into chaos. I am trying to figure out how to balance being her mom, a wife, friend, daughter/daughter-in-law, sister/sister-in-law, and a teacher ALL at the same time! I know that I am not the only one who goes through this or has gone through this, but let me just says it is SO MUCH HARDER than I ever thought! I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out the best way to balance all of these things, I have come to the realization that all I can do is the best I can each day at each thing and I have to be okay with that. That is very hard for me because I have very high expectations for myself and when I don't meet them, I kind of, for the lack of a better term, have a meltdown. While I was thinking about what to write I realized I am probably not the only one who feels very overwhelmed and on the verge of a meltdown. So I am here to say you are not alone!

Through this though I have learned some things that have really helped that I thought I would share my favorite, Dropbox! Let me just tell you I LOVE Dropbox! For several years I have carried around a flashdrive or external hard drive (and I still do because I haven't switched everything over), but so often I would forget it at home or at school and not have what I needed to finish some of the things. Now I have all of my files literally at my fingertips all the time no matter where I am! I have an app on my iphone, ipad, my laptop, my NUC computer in my room, and any computer that has a connection. I can use it on windows, android, or MAC! All I have to do is login and access my files! This has been a huge help especially now that I have 2 computers in my room I'm not having to flip my flash drive back and forth between computers to open files! If you want to know more let me know! This is a great tutorial on how to use Dropbox!

I hope everyone takes time in the next few weeks to enjoy your family and friends! Have a very Merry Christmas!


1 comment:

  1. i love dropbox! is another free website like that, just in case you fill up your dropbox!
