Wednesday, April 29, 2015


One of my favorite quotes comes from Walt Disney. He said, “One of our greatest natural resources is the mind of a child.” As I sit and reflect on this year, I think about each kid that has walked into my classroom whether they were a student of mine or not. I think of the environment they are coming into. I think about whether they feel welcomed or if they feel like they can voice their thoughts and opinions without it being second guessed. I think about their little minds and ALL of the concepts that have been taught to them not just this year, but in years past.

I have been challenged this year. I was here for four and a half weeks before I went on maternity leave for 13 weeks. I thought I knew my kids…I was wrong. When I came back from maternity leave, I had to adjust to being a new working mommy and re-introduce myself, study their data from the assessments they took while I was gone, and in that I had to get to know them all over again and had to push them and challenge them harder and more than they were used to. I have had to change and adjust instruction and groups more than I have ever had to do before. I had to re-structure my stations half way through the school year, doing them a way I have never done before. I had to give up some control (VERY hard for me to do) and let these “natural resources” take over. After a while, I began to see GROWTH and SUCCESS. I had students who hadn't passed a single assessment all year, passing assessment after assessment and thus, their confidence and belief in themselves has grown. That in itself is such a satisfying and proud feeling. No matter what these STAAR scores show, I have seen not just academic growth, but the students growing in their confidence and abilities and that is what truly matters.  

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

This year has been quite a transition for me from big to little people world. One of the hardest things for me to get used to was the dress code. I was used to seeing students in uniform however in elementary students have some style to say the least. By seeing the students express themselves through their hair, clothing, and accessory choices it has helped me to understand them better. That probably is not a big deal to everyone else, but at first it was to me.  This makes me think of a quote:

            "The little things make the biggest impact! Do more little things!"

What little things are you doing for your family and students to make a positive impact?  Keep in mind what it means to do little things: extra brain break, take shoes off, or opportunity to excel at something they are good at. Remember not to forget to take care of yourself. In order for everything to work you need to at your best and sometimes that means saying no. I know for me I want to do everything for everyone and saying no is very hard, but when too much is taken on nothing gets done the best it can.

             Just Keep Swimming!!

As the year winds down so does our patience. Think back to the beginning of the year when you thought your children couldn’t do anything. Regardless of where your students started each of them have made progress in their own way. Embrace each student for who they are and think about the impact you have made on them. 

J Leverington 

Poetry Shmoetry!

Poetry Shmoetry!

 The suns out, the weather is beautiful, and everyone wants to be outside!  The kids (and teachers) are ready for summer, but we still have 7 weeks of school to go.  Their active bodies and short attention spans need more meaningful lessons than ever, so I've got to keep them engaged and focused!  For the past two weeks my students spent lots of time writing different types of poetry... they loved getting to be little poets every single day, and I loved reading their individual poetry!

Selfie Poems-  The students wrote poems about their accomplishments in 2nd grade. 

The Best Part of Me-  The students wrote freestyle poems about their favorite body part.

Haiku Poems-  The students wrote Haiku poems about spring flowers.

Found Poems-  The students created poems out of words or phrases they found in magazines and newspapers.

 If you get a chance, join us for our Poetry Cafe on April 30th.  J

Friday, April 17, 2015


First of all, did you know that you aren’t supposed to put two spaces after a period anymore?  I can’t help it!  I read it on some article!  I guess I am so old school, that I can’t break the habit!  So, don’t judge.  I have to put two spaces after my periods.  I do.  If you can find that article [insert here].
So, GT… Gifted and Talented, W.I.N.G.S. HUH?  Wylie’s Inquisitive and Naturally Gifted Students.  Now you know what W.I.N.G.S. stands for!  People ask me all the time what W.I.N.G.S. stand for.  Did you know that we hold a GT showcase for our students every year?  The first graders create research products over animals and the second graders research about their passions.  Third grade’s theme is Math in Nature, and fourth grade’s theme is Enigma’s.  The GT student’s work really hard on their Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP) every year.  Each year all the elementary schools in Wylie come together and show their products at a showcase.  We all go to one elementary school and lay out all of the research projects for everyone to see.  In the fall, third and fourth grade show their creations.  First and second grade get to show theirs in the spring.  I know many of you wanted to go to the showcase, but you weren’t able to come, so I took some pictures!  I would like to take this opportunity to show the kids’ projects off.  So, enjoy!

                                     Here are some 1st grade research projects over Animal Nations:
     Check out a king cobra.             Here is one about the bald eagle.             A diorama of giraffes.

  Here are some 2nd grade research projects over Passions:

Passion about dance!  She wrote her choreography down!  Yes, ALL her dance steps!!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Passion about being a pastry chef.  Look at her dummy cake!  It looks real, huh?  We even wrote an email to Duff Goldman, but he didn’t reply. L                                                                                                                         



Here is a 3rd grade project over the Fibonacci Sequence.

Here are some 4th grade research projects over Enigma’s:

                                                                                     Great Pyramids







                                                                                  The Nazca Lines



                                                                                   The Lochness Monster


If I could have, I would’ve put all of the pictures of the projects up!  I hope you enjoyed looking at the projects that our students have created.  I hope that next year you will come to the GT showcase and see all the projects!  I love working with our students, and letting their thoughts and ideas flow. 

Oh, and I found the article…

Here it is:

Nothing Says Over 40 Like Two Spaces after a Period!

(But I’m only 37!  Go figure!)
