Tuesday, February 17, 2015

To Sí or Not to Sí?
In many schools around the nation students beginning in Kindergarten are being exposed to a second language. One of the ways second language acquisition is obtain is through a Dual Language Program which we are fortunate to offer in Wylie ISD. Dual Language in our district exposes English native speakers to Spanish and Spanish native speakers to English. The initial goal is to produce students that are comfortable speaking in one language as they are in the other. However, the ultimate goal is for these students to be able to acquire academic language and perform academically in either language, thus opening the doors for them to study abroad.
Dual Language students also become familiar with a different culture than their own and learn to navigate between cultures. Research proves that children exposed to foreign languages display a greater understanding of our country’s relationship to foreign cultures. They also reveal a heightened sensitivity to racial diversity issues.
Researchers such as Collier have been able to confirm that it takes approximately five to seven years to acquire academic language which is taught on a daily basis through content.  This is one of the great giants we need face in Dual Language and why I am so passionate about it. Being able to command academic language is very different than being able to converse in another language.  Our students work very hard every day to not only understand and communicate in a language that is not their own as well as learn content.
Dual Language is a process and the earlier we begin the process the easier it becomes.
 Learning more than Inglés is as easy as uno, dos, tres. But experts say that starting early es muy importante.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Third Grade Journey

As a child I dreamed of either being a teacher or a nurse.  I played out these dreams in my parents garage where I would  play "school" and then on alternate days play "doctor".

I am the youngest of 5 children.  I was a surprise to my parents because all of my brothers and sisters were pretty much grown up when I was born.  I spent a lot of time playing alone (with my imaginary friend Ruby) and promising myself that when I grew up and had kids of my own they would not have to play alone.  They would have each other to play with not an imaginary friend.

Well, when I grew up things went as planned.  I married very young and had three children in three years.  It seemed my dreams of becoming a teacher or a nurse were just not in the plans for me.  I stayed home with my kids doing all of the good mommy things.  I even became president of the PTA at my kids school.  I stayed very busy but I felt an emptiness.  It was like God was calling me to do something else.  As if being a mom to three kids was not enough!

I decided to go back to school.  I took one class at a time.  That calling from God just kept getting stronger and stronger.  Eventually, he led me to the University of North Texas where I ended up going full time-while my kids were in elementary school and bit by bit I conquered the teaching program, passed the tests and became what God had led me to be-a TEACHER!

My journey as a teacher started at Hedrick Elementary in Lewisville, Texas. In a portable with a group of hard to handle third graders.  I was actually teaching at the school where my own kids attended.  I was so excited!  I couldn't believe my dream had finally come true......

Little did I know how unprepared I was for teaching my first class of third graders!  By September I already felt like a failure.  I wanted to just give up.  Everything I tried seemed to have the opposite affect of what I planned or expected.  I thought for sure I would be looking for a new job at the end of the year.  I was given another chance to try to succeed in this Third Grade Journey.  Each year I taught third grade I tried and retried new things.  Each year I got a little bit better.  This is not to say I didn't have terrible feelings of being inadequate.   I just kept going to work everyday.  I just kept trying.  I just kept making relationships with those third graders.  After 15 years of teaching only third graders I found it was time to move and start a new teaching position.  I was scared and excited.
I thought maybe God would lead me to a different grade?  I prayed every night and every day that I would find a good fit for my teaching experience.  I went on countless interviews.  Most of the time I was called back for second ones but then told were sorry we hired someone else.  Then I walked into Watkins.  I knew this was the place.  I was really hoping to get a job in a different grade.  I thought 15 years of  Third Grade was enough.  How could I have anything new to offer these kids?

I soon found out the challenge of teaching Dual Language Third Grade was just what I was looking for.  I have already learned so much as a teacher at Watkins.  I feel like I am one of the lucky ones.  I get to go to work everyday and be totally challenged to use my experience and to always be ready to learn something new!

I guess the one thing I have learned from this Third Grade Journey is don't give up no matter how hard life seems.  Try to start each day in a positive way.  Be thankful for all you have and you just might be one of the lucky ones too.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Relationships Matter!

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I have chosen relationships as my topic for this week’s blog.  Building positive relationships with my students is the most important part of my classroom.  It is my hope that when anyone comes to my room, they can see and feel the relationships I have with each child, as well as the relationships they share with each other.  I believe that these relationships are the key to my students’ success, both academically and emotionally.  I have made it a priority to spend time with each child, getting to know their individual strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, hobbies, friends and families.  Knowing every child this well creates a positive environment.  I know that when their families drop them off at school in the morning, it's my responsibility to make every day the best day for their child.  I want their surroundings to be a home away from home where they know they are cared about and that someone believes in them.  I never take for granted the responsibility I carry as their teacher.  I often eat lunch with my students because it is a great opportunity to learn about them, and it’s such an easy thing to do.  I never show up uninvited.  They have to invite me if they want me to eat with them because I don’t want to intrude on their time together.  I have been to so many sporting events over the last three years that I know the different stats and have a collection of fantastic trading cards.  It doesn’t affect my time with my family, because my boys love going with me to the games.  The kids are so proud to see their teacher at their events.  I feel that as a teacher, the stress is sometimes overwhelming.  We have to bridge so many gaps and the data doesn’t always show what we want it to.  In these moments, I have to step back and remember that behind each “number” and each “result” is a child that has his/her own worries, celebrations, families, concerns, frustrations and needs.  If they know they matter, they will become so much more confident and put much more effort into their everyday tasks.  Words can’t describe how much I “heart” these kids, especially after three years!  I don’t know how I will ever be able to say goodbye to them in June.  They will always have a special place in my heart!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

My Loves!

Valentines Day is a week from today! For some reason I dread this day.  I dread the thought of Valentines parties at school, not getting the flowers that society thinks we all need, not demonstrating enough the love I have for my lifelong love, Jeff, and not expressing enough my love for all those that bless my life everyday.  One thought that goes through my mind, "You get out of a relationship what you put into it.", that was so wisely said by Janet Skinner, my first Principal. So today, after I go the gym to workout my knees and legs, I am going to put thought into a special gift for Jeff, not just a card. I want him to  know that my love for him is with him everyday.  Flowers die, sweets are out of the question, a photo album of our trip to Switzerland, maybe. TIME together without distractions, interruptions,  music, and great conversation is what we both value and cherish. That is it! Dinner with his best friend and his wife, great food, conversation, and time with one another! Then on Sunday morning breakfast and church. I have found that the old saying, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach" so true! So I guess I will be cooking and serving Jeff his favorite meal, breakfast, with all his favorites, time together and with friends, and time expressing our faith in the holy Trinity.  Happy Valentines Day to all of you because you too share my love everyday! Pray that your Valentines Day is just as special as you are.  Thanks for sharing your lives with me.